
Good morning! Text:  Acts 4-6; Proverbs 10:1-16 In Acts 5, Peter addresses the ruling council.  Speaking of Jesus’ death and resurrection, he tells …


Good morning! Text:  Acts 1-3; Proverbs 9 There is power-filled preaching in Acts.  Peter brings the Gospel on the Day of Pentecost and three thousand are …


Good morning! Text: Exodus 38-40; Proverbs 8 Proverbs 8 extols the virtues and character of wisdom. In 8:22-23 we read a powerful idea, expressed …


Good morning! Text:  Exodus 35-37; Proverbs 8 In these chapters of Exodus, we read details of God’s people crafting the things of worship – the tabernacle, the ark, the table, the lampstand …


Good morning! Today is a reflection day. In Exodus 34, the Lord passes before Moses in response to Moses’ request when he said, “Please, show …


Good morning. Text:  Exodus 32-34; Proverbs 6 Moses has an incredible relationship with the Lord.  They speak with one another as Moses enjoys …


Good morning! Text: Exodus 28-31; Proverbs 5 The Lord gives a lot of detailed instructions for the construction and operation of the Tabernacle, the mobile worship center for the Israelites. …


Good morning! Text:  Exodus 25-27;  Proverbs 4 Many people who set out to read through the Bible find all the storytelling and action up to …


Good morning! Text:  Exodus 21-24; Proverbs 3 These passages in Exodus bring a lot of detail about how the Law (the Ten Commandments) is to be …


Good morning! Text: Exodus 18-20; Proverbs 2 In Exodus 20, we hear God’s specific Law being given – the Ten Commandments. These words are …


Good morning! Text:  Exodus 15-17; Proverbs 1 For the forty years of life in the desert, God provides the people of Israel with daily bread – manna.  When …


Good morning! Text:  Exodus 12-14; Psalm 23 There’s some pretty amazing material in today’s reading!  As I read, I am always asking the Lord …


Good morning  (sorry…I am late today!). Text:  Exodus 9-11; Psalm 22:12-31 The ten plagues of Exodus are interesting in that some are announced …


Good morning! Text: Exodus 1-4; Psalm 21 In the opening chapters of Exodus we find God’s people, Israel, in captivity in Egypt.  Moses is in a distant land …


Good morning! Text:  Genesis 27-29; Psalm 10. These stories in Genesis are astonishing.  There is a curious theme in these chapters, reminiscent of jokes about …


Good morning! Text:  Genesis 18-20; Psalm 7 The destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah are stark statements of God’s wrath upon wickedness. The truth …


Good morning! Text:  Genesis 15-17; Psalm 6 In Genesis 16 we read the story of Hagar, the servant of Abraham and Sarah.  She bears a child …


Good morning! Text:  Genesis 12-14; Psalm 5 In today’s Genesis text we begin the story of Abraham.  The first step out of the box is the account of God’s initial …


Good morning! Text:  Genesis 3-5, Psalm 2 Good morning! Text: Genesis 3-5; Psalm 2 Cain, the first human ever born, murders his own brother.  …


Good morning, and Happy New Year! Text: Genesis 1-2; Psalm 1 And so, a new year of reading through the Bible begins. Genesis brings us the very …