July 2024 News

The members of the Congregational Church of Eastford voted unanimously on Sunday, July 21, 2024 to appoint Evan Burgess as our Associate Pastor.  The call was extended by telephone and the answer is “yes”.  Details to follow about timing, but they will probably join us toward the end of August.  God is good, and we give Him praise and thanks for His abundant provision.  Pray for the whole transition.

Associate Pastor Candidate: Evan Burgess

Evan is 33 years old and married to Chelsey. They have a four-year-old son, Roman. Both Evan and Chelsey grew up in Manchester, CT. They met during High School and while attending Trinity Covenant Church in Manchester. Evan and Chelsey were married in 2015.

After their marriage they began training with Ethnos360 (formerly New Tribes Missions) to become missionaries to Papua New Guinea. About halfway through their training, in June 2020, they had their son, Roman. Shortly after Roman’s birth Chelsey was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. This resulted in a big change in their plans and direction in life – toward pastoral ministry and Connecticut.

Evan’s preparation for mission work gives him many pastoral skills – and with experience and further education his portfolio will be complete. His situation is a great fit for the plan the Congregational Church of Eastford has been working – to have an associate join the work alongside Pastor Mike, and after a season of preparation, take the lead.

Evan has been working as the Dean of Men at the Ethnos360 Bible Institute in Waukesha, WI since 2022. If you would like to read more about Evan and Chelsey, please visit: https://www.theburgessfam.com/our-story


Click above to view July 14, 2024 Worship Service

Click above for Evan and Chelsey Burgess Q&A Session


May 2024 News

The Congregational Church of Eastford’s membership voted overwhelmingly on May 22, 2024 to relocate to a new site as they rebuild following the loss of their building last year to fire. The new site is on John Perry Road. The decision was driven both by our vision to bless our community and by our expectation of future growth. A new location will provide abundant space for a new building for the worship and ministry programs of our church. Moreover, we will be able to create a space where we host community events, programs for school kids and local seniors, and to provide great space both indoors and out for children and youth. The new land is sufficient for all our current and future parking needs, outdoor play space for all ages and perhaps even future buildings, sports facilities, and athletic fields. The beautiful old building served the church and Eastford for nearly 200 years, and we will all miss it. While the old hilltop location on Church Road was beautiful, the space was too small – especially considering possible future growth.  On a new site and in a new building we intend to provide for another century or two of blessings. It is hoped that the new building will be ready by late 2025.  Our plan is to keep the 8 Church Road property with an eye toward having it be a peaceful place to remember all the Lord has done there and to draw more people into His kingdom.


April 2024 News


https://linpub.blob.core.windows.net/pdf/2/d0554eef-cf39-49dc-af7d-3b7a2c2349ac.pdf (Page 1 and 11)




















2024 04 18 WINY Radio telephone interview with Pastor Mike


March 2024 News


https://thedanscottshow.podbean.com/ Pastor Mike’s interview begins around 4:35.


December 2023 News

2023 12 11 WINY Radio interview with Pastor Mike


2023 12 08 WINY Radio Facebook post – Pastor Mike scheduled for interview on Monday, Dec 11, 2023




April/May 2023 News

The Congregational Church of Eastford’s building at 8 Church Road in Eastford burned to the ground in the pre-dawn hours on Sunday, April 23, 2023.  Sunday Worship Services are held in the Eastford Elementary School Gym, 12 Westford Road, Eastford.  Church offices are at 4 County Road in Eastford (next door to the post office)!  News articles appear below.  For those wishing to help us rebuild, visit https://cceastford.org/give/.









