“…for God loves a cheerful giver.”
2 Corinthians 9:7
Thank you for choosing to give the resources God has entrusted to you to help the Congregational Church of Eastford fulfill the mission and vision God calls us to in reaching people for Christ! To give online, fill out the secure donation form below! Scroll down for additional information.
Congregational Church of Eastford
Online Giving
Giving by mail
Include fund designation (or specify amounts if donating to multiple funds) in the check memo and mail to:
Congregational Church of Eastford
PO Box 177
Eastford, CT 06242-0177 (Please include our +4 on zip to help the post office.)
Additional Information:
We have switched to SubSplash as our giving platform! Connecting with the Congregational Church of Eastford using our app makes online giving easier than ever and connects you to all of our online resources! Scroll down for instructions on installing the app!
For online giving, enter an amount and select a fund:
- General (tithes and offerings to support the church budget which includes our ministries, missions, and pastor)
- Rebuild (renamed from “Fire Fund” – supports our rebuilding efforts after the devastating fire destroyed our 8 Church Road building on 4/23/23 – We will be rebuilding on John Perry Road, Eastford, just a short distance from our previous site.)
- Care (renamed from “Deacons Fund” – supports financial needs of individuals and families in our congregation and community – administered by the church Care Team.)
Choose the frequency of your gift:
- One-time
- Weekly
- Monthly
- Every two weeks
- Twice a month
Click the “Continue to give $…” button.
It will bring you to another secure page where you will be able to complete your transaction and/or create an account to track your giving and have access to all the other features mentioned above!
- We have an app to keep you connected to the Congregational Church of Eastford! The church calendar, livestreams, website, social media, giving, and more are available in one place! You don’t have to give online to use the app.
- Download The Church App https://subsplash.com/thechurchapp/app
- Search for Congregational Church of Eastford or scan the QR code below