
Good morning!

Text: Exodus 18-20; Proverbs 2
In Exodus 20, we hear God’s specific Law being given – the Ten Commandments. These words are remarkable, as they reflect God’s character as He wills them to be manifested in God’s people.   Consider:
  1. “No other God’s before me” – God is an exclusive God.
  2. “No idols” – God offers us all that we need.
  3. “Do not take His Name in vain” – God is a God of perfect character.
  4. “Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy” – He is worthy of worship and can be trusted to provide.
  5. “Honor your father and mother” – He is a God of respect and authority.
  6. “Do not murder” – God brings life.
  7. “Do not commit adultery” – God keeps every promise without fail.
  8. “Do not steal” – His plan and provision for me are perfect.
  9. “No false witness”- God is true.
  10. “Do not covet” – God perfect gifts is just for you.
Now, as a people under grace, we are no longer “under” the Law.  But, if we want to live as ambassadors for God, we should reflect that same character, so the Ten Commandments certainly apply,  Here’s a challenge.  Can you recite His Ten Commandments from memory?
in Him, Mike