
Good morning! Today is a reflection day. Deuteronomy 26  opens with the LORD’s commandments regarding “first fruits,” the first and the best of the produce of the land which the LORD has …


Good morning! Today is a reflection day. Every day we, as Christians, are in spiritual battle.  The main battleground is within – as the enemy works …


Good morning! Text: Deuteronomy 14-16; Psalm 44 A theme that repeats in the Old Testament is the “jubilee” and the “Sabbath year” – where debts are forgiven, …


Good morning!   Text: Deuteronomy 5-7; Psalm 41 The Lord gives some sweeping instructions to His chosen people in these portions of Deuteronomy.  In particular, …


Good morning! Today is a reflection day. In Deuteronomy 1-4, God’s Word recounts the travels of the Israelites – their wanderings in the wilderness. Imagine forty years in the desert.  Toward the end of that …


Good morning! Text:  Deuteronomy 1-4; Psalm 40 In Deuteronomy 4, we read how the Lord has done incredible things for the Israelites.  What is more, the Israelites …


Good morning! Text:  Numbers 15-17; Psalm 32 Today’s text in Numbers has some rough sledding.  We encounter the fellow caught picking up sticks on the Sabbath …


Good morning! Text:  Numbers 11-14; Psalm 31 The account of the spies going into the promised land is important to us.  The LORD, having delivered His chosen …


Good morning! Text:  Numbers 8-10; Psalm 30 During the wanderings of the Hebrews in the wilderness, they were led by the Lord.  He placed a cloud over the tabernacle which appeared as …


Good morning! Text: Numbers 4-6; Psalm 29 The Law of Moses, contained in the first five books of the Bible, is full of “do this” and …


Good morning! Text:  Hebrews 11-13; Psalm 27 Hebrews 12:14 says these words: “Strive for peace with everyone, and for the holiness without …


Good morning! Text:  Hebrews 7-10; Psalm 26 Hebrews is not easy lifting.  In it we find the vital bridge between the Old Covenant of the Law of Moses …


Good morning! Text:  Leviticus 9-11; Proverbs 15:1-17 So, now things get interesting in Leviticus.   As Chapter 9 closes, the tabernacle worship has been …


Good morning! Text:  Leviticus 5-8; Proverbs 14:19-35 In Leviticus 8 we read the account of the ordination of original priests of Israel, Aaron and his sons. …


Good morning! Text: Acts 19-21; Proverbs 12:15-28 One of the stories in Acts that stands out is about the seven sons of Sceva.  They are itinerant …


Good morning! Text: Acts 10-12; Proverbs 11:1-15 In Acts 10 we read of how the Gospel breaks out into the world of the Gentiles – the non-Jews – as …


Good morning! Text:  Acts 4-6; Proverbs 10:1-16 In Acts 5, Peter addresses the ruling council.  Speaking of Jesus’ death and resurrection, he tells …