
Good morning!
Text: Esther 4-7; Psalm 119:97-112
When the beautiful Jewess Esther becomes queen of Persia, she ends up with a dangerous assignment.  The evil Haman has prompted the king to issue a decree for the destruction of the Jews, and Esther is called to approach the king that her people might be spared.  When she expresses her fears to her cousin Mordecai, he says this:

“…who knows whether you have not come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14)

Our God is a sovereign God who guides every circumstance of our life.  He places His people right where He wants them, and we all have assignments from Him.  Esther was in the right place at the right time.  Her appeal to the king led to deliverance for the Jews. How about you and me today?  Knowing you and I are right where God wants us today, whom do you suppose our actions might lead to salvation?
in Him, Mike