
Good morning!

Text:  Titus; Isaiah 10.
Titus is a tight little letter from Paul to a pastor.  It is filled with great truth.  Toward the very end, we find this:
And let our people learn to devote themselves to good works, so as to help cases of urgent need, and not be unfruitful. (Titus 3:14)
I am hearing two messages here.  First, to be alert and attentive, watching to see “cases of urgent need.”  As I contemplate this, I recall the many times I have chosen not to stop and ask a stranded motorist by the side of the road if I might be of help.  Have you ever done that sort of thing?  Second, I am reminded that the life of the Christian ought to be “fruitful.”  For me that means challenging the time I spend on pursuits that are vacant, “unfruitful.”  I can think of a few such pursuits in my life. How about you?  Before I wallow in guilt, I lift my head up and consider the fact that I have been gifted by God to bring the beautiful fruit of helping others, meeting urgent needs, and serving the Lord for His glory.  And so have you.

in Him, Mike