
Good morning!

Text:  1 Corinthians 12-14; Psalm 100

I Corinthians 12 teaches us God’s beautiful plan for us, the body of Christ.  We see how we are diverse – each with our particular assignments and spiritual gifts for serving one another and the Lord.  As Americans, we think and view the world from a very individualistic mind set, and these words of the beauty of diversity ring sweet and true to us.  Of course, the body is also a unity – we are together and inseparable.  So, while we are individuals indeed, we are not at all independent. We are connected to the core.  Consider these words:

“If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” (12:26)

Did you ever stop to think that the person who sits on the other side of the church – the one you don’t really know – when he or she loses a loved one, or gets ill, or is disappointed – that we all ought to feel the pain?  When I was first taught this verse years ago, the immediate application was to attend the funerals for loved ones of anybody in my church family – even complete strangers. And that when one among celebrates a victory – we all have right and reason to rejoice too?  What an incredible thing that we are so deeply  connected in this forever family.  Blessing upon blessing!

in Him,  Mike