
Good morning!
Text:  Luke 13-15; Ecclesiastes 2
In Luke 15 we find three parables that speak to the Lord’s heart for the lost. We learn that He deeply cares about individuals.  We also learn that there is always great celebration among the inhabitants of heaven over each and every one who turns (repents) and comes to Him.
The third of these parables is the story of the “prodigal son.”  The younger of two sons asks his father for his inheritance early so that he may go off and live how he wants to live.  After leaving home, he wastes the money and ends up feeding pigs.  The good news is that a turning point comes that brings him home:
“But when he came to himself…”  (Luke 15:17)
The son returns in humility and in repentance and is joyfully received by his dad.  Many of us pray for loved ones who were once in the faith but have wandered.  I do, and I find these words incredibly encouraging.  For all those who love “prodigals”, know that the Lord can work so that they will come to that turning point.  Pray for that day, expecting it to come.
in Him, Mike