Good morning!
Text: Revelation 17-18; Isaiah 64:1
Against the happy backdrop of our Christmas celebrations, the world is a mess. We have just celebrated the event that brings us all hope – that Jesus came to earth to save us! And yet, headlines about troubles and strife greet us every day, and we long for peace and purity in our world. For some, the mess is closer to home, maybe right in our own hearts. This morning’s Isaiah reading brings to mind the cry of God’s people across the ages – the call for help from God – the plea for Him to come down and intervene to set things right. We need for Him to step in and fix things. And so we pray:
Oh that you would rend the heavens and come down,that the mountains might quake at your presence… (Isaiah 64:1)
Our God is an awesome God, and His promises to those who wait upon Him are wonderful.
I am encouraged this day to pray for Him to come, and when I do, to expect. Him to show up.
From of old no one has heardor perceived by the ear,no eye has seen a God besides you,who acts for those who wait for him. (Isaiah 64:4)
in Him, Mike