
Good morning!

Today is a reflection day.
Isaiah 59 opens with these words:

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save,
or his ear dull, that it cannot hear; (Isaiah 59:1)

No matter how far we are from God, His arm is long enough to reach us.  No matter how far we have fallen into sin, He can rescue us.  No matter how weak or distant our cry for help, He hears.  In a few days we will celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus, who left His place in heaven and descended to us.  After His perfect and sinless life, He humbled Himself unto death, even death on a cross.  What lengths, what depths, what extent our loving Lord went to that we might be delivered from sin and death.  Hallelujah!  And Merry Christmas.
in Him, Mike