
Good morning, and Happy New Year!
Text: Genesis 1-2; Psalm 1
And so, a new year of reading through the Bible begins. Genesis brings us the very foundations of our understanding of reality.  In 1:26-27 we find how, in all of God’s creation, we are incredibly unique:

Then God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness….So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

Every time I see these words I am reminded that we have been made in the image of a triune God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit – who lives as one God but in perfect, intense and ongoing relationship.  The Father, Son and Spirit enjoy perfect harmony, intimacy and love.  We are made for such relationship – with Him and with one another.  That gives us much to think about!
On this New Year’s morning I am reminded that it is by His Word that He speaks the most clearly to us, and that communication is the currency of relationship.  Daily time in the Word is so important!  Psalm 1 gives us a picture of how our time in the Word shapes and blesses our lives.  I am really excited to start another year of reading  through His precious Word – together with you.
in Him,  Mike