
Good morning!
Text:  John 13-15; Psalm 140
In these chapters of John, we begin what is called the “upper room discourse.”  Jesus teaches extensively here before He goes to the cross, and these words are His departure speech to His followers.  Notable is His teaching about the Holy Spirit and His (the Spirit’s) ministry.  Today’s text includes these words from 14:17:

…even the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees him nor knows him. You know him, for he dwells with you and will be in you.

We are incredibly privileged.  The very Spirit of the Living God lives with us and even within us.  The world – those who do not believe and know Jesus – do not know the Spirit, cannot receive what He offers, nor can they see Him.  But we do, and He advises, exhorts, comforts, strengthens, encourages and intercedes for us.  He guides us into the Truth, and helps us recall all that Jesus has taught us.  He gives us gifts to serve the Lord, and we bear fruit by Him. The Spirit literally makes us superhuman and supernatural.  Amazing!
So – here’s a challenge:  The Father is in heaven, and so is Jesus, seated at the Father’s right hand.  The Spirit is in me – and you can’t get closer than that!  So…. do I know Him?  Do I know Him well?
in Him,  Mike