
Good morning!

Text:  Jeremiah 40-42; Isaiah 24

In Jeremiah 40-42 we read God’s words to the remnant of Jews left behind in the Promised Land after the Babylonians have taken the best and brightest into captivity.  He tells the people to not be afraid of the Babylonian king (42:11),

“for I am with you, to save you and to deliver you from his hand.”

Then, the Lord warns them that if they take matters into their own hands and flee to apparent safety in Egypt: ” then the sword that you fear shall overtake you there in the land of Egypt, and the famine of which you are afraid shall follow close after you to Egypt, and there you shall die.” (42:16).

These words are a challenge to us even today.  If we find ourselves in a scary situation, having arrived there by following the Lord with care, then we are in the safest place there is.  Even if another circumstance or location appears to be safe, it is always less safe than to remain in the center of God’s will.  To disobey God is never a “safe” choice.  When God has said He will keep us and guard us, to disagree with Him is always a bad choice.  When we decide to take matters into our own hands because we do not trust His promises, that too is a terrible choice.

So – experiencing any fear these days?  If you are staying close to the Lord, know that you are in a safe place.  To choose to move away from the Lord is how you get hurt.

in Him,  Mike