
Good morning!
Text:  Esther 8-10; Psalm 119:113-128
The Book of Esther is unique in the Bible in that God is never mentioned – not even once.  But, the only conclusion the reader can come to is that the story is about God’s sovereign protection and blessing of His chosen people.  Esther’s becoming queen, Mordecai’s discovery of the plot to kill King Ahasuerus (aka Xerxes), the King’s sleepless night,  Haman’s execution and finally the miraculous deliverance of the Jews all point to the Hand of God at work.  It is left to the reader to point to Him.
Part of seeing God’s hand at work is hindsight.  In Esther we read how the events were commanded to be commemorated by the feast of Purim – still celebrated by Jews today, 2,500 years later.  Remembering what God has done is vital to our faith.  It is what our celebration of Communion is all about.  What specific things in your life can you point to that only He could have done?  Wouldn’t it be great of we celebrated our spiritual birthday – the date on which we were born again in Jesus – with the zeal of our earthly, first birth day?
in Him,  Mike