
Good morning!
Text:  1 Timothy 1-3; Psalm 119:49-64.
1 Timothy is known as a “pastoral epistle”, a letter giving instructions to a church leader about how life in the church should be.  This letter is a rich resource for us today as we seek to be all we can be for the Lord.  Consider these words:

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people…” (1 Timothy 2:1)

This is quite clear – prayer is to be top priority in the life of God’s Church.  Of particular note is the word “all.”  We are to pray for “all people.”  That means everybody – those we love as well as those who we would consider enemies, and everyone in between.  It includes foreigners and strangers, people unlike us, and people we have never met.  It includes those in great need and those who seem to be just fine.  I am moved by these words to check my prayer life – in light of these words it seems pretty narrow.  How are your prayers?
in Him, Mike