Good morning!
Text: Job 31-33; Isaiah 6
Isaiah 6 brings us a magnificent view of God’s throne room. Isaiah’s vision is a portrait of the praise of our great God in heaven, beautiful and awesome. The prophet’s first response is to experience horror at his own sinfulness. Graciously, God forgives him and then commissions him to speak The Word. In verse 3, we read;
And one called to another and said:“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts;the whole earth is full of his glory!”
A detail in this verse that speaks volumes to me is that the seraphim (it means “burning ones”) are calling to one another with the praises of the Lord. This informs our attitude about worship. In my prayers and in my private worship, I call out to God and praise Him. It is between me and my Lord. But, our corporate worship is where we are celebrating God in ways that encourage one another to see Him in all His splendor. In corporate worship we are to call out to one another with praise to the Lord.
When I come to a worship service, it is obviously more about God than me. So, given that the Lord is in first place when I come to worship, who is in second? Is it more about me or more about my brothers and sisters? I offer that this text speaks that my presence in corporate worship ought to be more about you than me. I need to remember that I am there to encourage others. When the worship service ends, if I ask myself, “So, what did I get out of that?” I have missed the point. Instead, I should ask, “Was God magnified in the hearts of those around me, and did I do my part to encourage them?”
Show up. Sing loudly. Express love and awe for the Lord. Smile. Weep. Clap. Be still in awe. Lift others up.
in Him, Mike