
Good morning!

Today is a reflection day.
Psalm 116:15 brings us words that have always made me think:

Precious in the sight of the Lord
is the death of his saints.

These words are strange to me.  Do they mean that the Lord “likes” it when His saints die?  Knowing that any believer in Jesus is a “saint”, if it’s true that he is pleased when we die, then these words make me shudder.  But, I do not think this is what God is saying here.

That word, “precious” refers to something that is important, carefully watched over, and of great importance.  These words are saying that when each one of us leaves this life for the next (which is glorious and is with Him), He is is attending us very carefully.  He guides the circumstances of our death.  It will be in His perfect timing.  He will carry us to Himself gracefully.  These words should bring us comfort on the occasion of the death of a lived one, and should give us courage when we face our own death. He cares and He is taking care.

in Him, Mike