
Good morning!

Text: Luke 22-24; Ecclesiastes 5
On the road to Emmaus, Jesus appears to two of His followers.  At first, they do not recognize Him.  As they walk together, Jesus explains how the (Old Testament) Scriptures all point to Him.  After they realize who He is, He disappears, then they marvel:

They said to each other, “Did not our hearts burn within us while he talked to us on the road, while he opened to us the Scriptures?” (Luke 24:32)

Imagine having the Word revealed to you by the Lord Himself.  That same Word of God is ours today, and by the Holy Spirit, it is illuminated to our hearts. Indeed, Jesus speaks through the Bible, and the Spirit in you, who is alive, brings the Word to life .  As you read or hear the Word read aloud, do you realize that the Lord is speaking to you?  Marvelous!
in Him, Mike