Good morning!
Text: Luke 7-9; Psalm 94
In Luke 9 we encounter the familiar story of Jesus feeding the five thousand by his miraculous multiplication of five loaves and two fish. A nuance in the story caught my attention. When Jesus’ disciples point out that the day is getting on and that he should dismiss the crowd so they might go find supper, the text says:
But he said to them, “You give them something to eat.” (Luke 9:13)
The miracle ensues – but it is the disciples who distribute the food. Jesus uses His disciples rather than doing it Himself. Here’s the powerful truth for us. Jesus is able to do miracles, and He uses His followers to do them. Who knows but that the very next time we step into a simple obedient act for the Lord, He might act with indescribable power. Perhaps it is in our prayer, or some act of service, or a move to reconcile people in conflict. Trust, obey and expect great things.
in Him, Mike