
Good morning!

Text:  Romans 6-8; Proverbs 21:1-16
After making the case for the awful plight of all humans – lost in sin and doomed – Romans 8 turns bright and hopeful.  We can celebrate with great joy that we who are in Christ Jesus are free from condemnation, destined for glory, and powerfully equipped for the journey by the Holy Spirit.  One verse for our focus today is this:

The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God (Romans 8:16)

Think about what it means to be a child of God.  It means we have the steadfast love of a good, good Father. It means we have the lofty responsibility of living our lives worthy of His household. It means we may invoke the power and majesty of His Name in the face of the enemy.  When we cry out to our Father, we know He will hear and come and help.  And it means we are heirs together with His Son Jesus to all the riches and dominion of His eternal and universal Kingdom.
I remember playground days with the other boys.  There were braggadocio skirmishes about our families.  When it is my turn, I imagine my opening line;”Well, that’s really something, but let me tell you about MY Dad.”  You and I are sons and daughters of the King.  Isn’t that wonderful?
in Him, Mike