
Good morning!

Today is a reflection day.
When I open the Word, I ask the Lord to speak to my heart.  Sometimes He brings encouragement, sometimes insight, sometimes conviction, sometimes delight.  He knows what you and I need, and He always meets that need.  In looking back over our recent readings this morning, these words spoke:

Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness
will find life, righteousness, and honor.  (Proverbs 21:21)

At first blush, these words ring familiar – seeking God’s righteousness for our own lives opens the portals to life.  “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they will be satisfied” (Matthew 5:6).
But, a second look at Proverbs 21:21 and the words “and kindness” pop off the page.  The pursuit of righteousness does not stand by itself – it is accompanied by the pursuit of kindness.  Am I kind?  What would my life look like if I set my sights and actively chased kindness – running after it as a precious prize to be captured and held?  What would our life together in God’s family look like if we were all in pursuit of kindness?  Imagine kindness meters attached to our hearts and monitoring our words and actions.  How much kindness will we pursue and own today?  To the chase!
in Him, Mike