Good morning!
Text: Zechariah 7-9; Isaiah 51
Today’s text is filled with gemstones – it was hard to choose what passage to comment on. For me, this stood out:
On that day the Lord their God will save them,
as the flock of his people;
for like the jewels of a crown
they shall shine on his land. (Zechariah 9:16)
Here the prophet sees a future time of deliverance for God’s people. When God’s grace is bestowed on a people, when He has set them free form captivity, they become as gemstones – jewels of a crown. And they “shall shine on his land.” I recall Jesus’ words when He tells us that we are the “light of the world.” In this season – when the days are short and the nights are long – both literally (it is December) and figuratively (read the news), we are to shine. So, how is your light? Is it bright?
in Him, Mike