Good morning!
Text: Joel; Psalm 149.
Joel is a potent book of prophecy, rich in images and bearing a strong message that the crises of life are merciful warnings to get right with God. The book also has vivid pictures of the end of the age, as God’s judgment is meted out followed by His blessing upon the faithful remnant.
Joel uses the fearsome locust as one of his literary tools. Locusts can come in enormous devouring swarms and destroy an entire year’s food crop in just hours. They can “ruin everything.” So can just one foolish human decision. One verse grabbed my attention in today’s text. It is a wonderful word of promise, hope and encouragement for those who have wasted part of their life, perhaps by even inviting the locusts to come and destroy:
I will restore to you the yearsthat the swarming locust has eaten,the hopper, the destroyer, and the cutter,my great army, which I sent among you. (Joel 2:25)
No matter where we are in our years on earth, it is never too late to turn and come to God. He is able to use us, bless us, and bring fruit through us, no matter how short our remaining time is. He proclaims, “I will restore…” What a great promise we have from a great God and King.
in Him, Mike