
Good morning!

Text:  Micah 1-3; Psalm 150

Psalm 150 puts a beautiful cap on the Book of Psalms, encouraging us to praise the Lord, “according to His excellent greatness.”  Verse 6, the closing of the Psalm says;

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord!

What an idea.  Chipmunks and Arctic wolves and songbirds, children and old men all have breath.  God is so marvelous, so great, and so excellent that all creatures ought to praise Him.  Music and song and shouts of praise are to rise heavenward.  Today, I pray I might be that guy who says “Praise the Lord”, even to a complete stranger.  May we all, along with all of nature, praise Him over and over and over again.  Praise the Lord!

in Him,  Mike