
Good morning!
Text:  John 4-6; Psalm 137
John is a treasure trove of Scripture truth!  There is so much in every chapter that to just pick a verse or two for comment is very hard. Jesus’ encounter with the woman at the well caught my attention, especially 5:13, as Jesus says,

“but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

What a beautiful picture of the life we have in Jesus.  The woman is at the well to get water in a dry land.  Water is life.  It takes work to haul it up from the well, and the supply is limited.  But not the wellspring of Jesus.  He surges, flows and floods the dry places with sweet, clean, life-giving water. The image of a spring welling up means abundance, overflow, growth.
So… is Jesus the same in my life today as yesterday, or is there an “up-welling”?  Is the truth that my life is eternal growing or waning in my heart?  Am I a spring of eternal life to those around me?
in Him, Mike