
Good morning!

Text:  Lamentations 1-2; Isaiah 28

In Isaiah 28 we find  repeated words that describe how the Word of God comes into the lives of people.  The expression appears in 28:10 and again in 28:13:

And the word of the Lord will be to them
precept upon precept, precept upon precept,
line upon line, line upon line,
here a little, there a little…

What a privilege to have God’s Word!  A dictionary defines the word, “precept” as, “a general rule intended to regulate behavior or thought.”  The Bible is a great and sophisticated construction of the great abiding truth of our God and all the reality He has created.  Our reading of it reveals His truth in many layers, often building one truth upon another.  Precept builds upon precept in our lives and allows us to live our lives “regulated” in accordance with God’s will and plan. Thank the Lord for His Word.  May we be diligent to study, read, meditate, memorize, and build each of God’s precepts into our hearts and lives.

in Him,  Mike