
Good morning!

Text:  Jeremiah 47-49; Isaiah 26

There is much in our world and in our lives to upset us, unsettle us, and make us fret. For some encouragement, receive these words from the Lord:

You keep him in perfect peace
whose mind is stayed on you,
because he trusts in you.  (Isaiah 26:3)

Peace is ours… when our mind is firmly secured upon the Lord our God.  That word, “stayed”, brings to mind the strong and taught lines that hold a sailing vessel’s mast firmly in place.  As long as the stays hold firm, that mast will neither bend nor break.   When we need peace, all we need do is get our thoughts centered upon the Lord.  When our thoughts and attitudes are firm in the Lord, His peace is ours.

The peace described here is “shalom,”  the peace of safety, security, wholeness, fulfillment and completion.  To make sure we get how perfect the peace of God is here, the Hebrew literally uses the word twice – “peace peace.”  Perfect peace – what a wonderful gift in troubled times.

in Him, Mike