
Good morning!
Text: 2 Samuel 4-7; Proverbs 31
After David is established as king, he turns his attention to the idea of building a temple (2 Samuel 7).  The Lord has other plans, and speaking through the prophet Nathan tells David “no.”  The Lord goes on to give David the remarkable promise of not only a temple built by his son (Solomon will do this), but also the promise of a descendant who will be an eternal king – the Messiah, Jesus. David’s response includes these words:
Therefore you are great, O Lord God. For there is none like you, and there is no God besides you, according to all that we have heard with our ears.  (2 Samuel 7:22)
Rather than mourn the loss of the privilege of building the temple, David rejoiced in hearing God’s promise of future blessings and celebrated God’s sovereignty.  David experienced a great reality for us all.  Our hearts desires and expectations for the moment are sometimes denied by the Lord. We have disappointments.  But our setbacks are always in full view of the great promises of God. We know God’s revealed will – of a great day when Jesus returns and of an everlasting life in a Kingdom of wonders, love and joy.  Disappointed about something?  May we praise the Lord as David did.
in Him, Mike