
Good morning!

Text: Romans 14-16; Proverbs 22:17-29
Several times in the New Testament we find this simple command:

Greet one another with a holy kiss. All the churches of Christ greet you. (Romans 16:16)

Our first reaction to this might be to pass this off as a quaint custom from another culture.  But there is something special here.  We are part of a very, very special family.  Bought by the blood of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, we are God’s own children.  We have the bond of being “forever family.”  We will, indeed, be together for all eternity.  We have been filled with the Love of God by the Spirit, and commanded by Jesus to love one another.  Our greetings to one another ought to reflect that.
For me, that means I need to slow down, look my Christian brothers and sisters in the eye, and connect in away that they know that I love them.  That is a challenge for me – I am too often “on task”. But it is important… and special.
in Him, Mike