
Good morning!
Text:  Leviticus 15-18;  Proverbs 16:1-16
The Day of Atonement is a powerful foreshadowing of the cross and Jesus’ work on our behalf.  The two goats are brought forward, and lots are case for their destinies.  One dies, shedding its blood for the sin of the Israelites.  The other is the “scape goat”, and the sins of the nation are confessed over it – placed upon it.  It is then led off into the desert, never to return again.

The goat shall bear all their iniquities on itself to a remote area (Leviticus 16:22).

Jesus is both goats.  His blood shed for us atones for our sins.  And He is our scapegoat in that he bore our sins for us, and He takes them away – far away so they are never again of any concern to us.  John the Baptist said these words when he first saw Jesus:  “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
We have such incredible freedom.  We have been set free from guilt and shame.  Jesus paid for our sins by His blood, and He took our sins away.  So, do we still experience guilt and shame for sins we no longer bear?  Do we live in the freedom he has bought for us or are we still captive to our past?  May we all know that our sin is truly gone, paid for in full and taken completely away. And may we live in the beautiful freedom Jesus has given to us.
in Him,  Mike